An easy way to walk, walk without fatigue even with high heels, beautiful ankles and hips that you do not want to hide from others - this is the advantage of healthy feet without signs of venous disease. Gradually, the way and rhythm of life changes if one neglects the prevention of varicose veins.
This applies to both women and men. The disease develops in different ways and the degree of varicose veins in medicine regarding the identification problem in patients always provokes controversy. But you need to understand the classification so as not to miss when varicose veins are treated without surgery.
The essence of the problem
Varicose veins are disorders of blood flow in the saphenous veins. Due to problems with the venous valve, which must hold the blood portion to move further to the heart, the plasma flows in the opposite direction and stagnant.
Pressure does not allow blood to flow through the veins in the lower part of the leg, causing the wall to stretch. On the legs, a blue line and zigzag pattern appears gradually, coupled with swelling and protrusion to an advanced degree.
But varicose veins do not appear immediately. The problem can develop without visual symptoms, and therefore people who experience discomfort in the legs but do not find prominent veins associate that discomfort with fatigue.
Varicose veins do not occur on their own as a separate disease. These are just a symptom of dysfunction of the circulatory system as a whole, which appears at a young age. It is wrong to consider varicose veins in the lower part of the leg as a sign of old age. Many girls in their 20s hide their legs under pants and long skirts because of varicose veins.
There are various reasons for damage to the circulatory system:
- Genetic inheritance from parents. If the mother (most often) or the father has a problem with blood flow from the legs to the heart, then the children should check and prevent the vascular and venous systems. But genetics does not work in all situations if there are no motivating factors - lifestyle that does not move or stand because of the uniqueness of the profession, unbalanced diet, diseases with complications;
- Ignores technical rest rules when working in certain work areas, where there is a heavy load on the legs, but no movement (hairdresser, sales specialist, accountant, programmer, driver). Warming the feet every 30 minutes prevents blood from stagnating;
- Some health problems affect blood vessels and veins - diabetes mellitus, heart disorders, leg injuries, spinal cord, obesity;
- Pregnancy for many women is the impetus for the first symptoms of varicose veins. The embryo not only adds weight to the pregnant mother, which puts pressure on the legs, but also puts pressure on the internal organs and vital systems of the pregnant woman.
Varicose veins are a serious signal of an internal problem that has not been self-reported, but requires at least a standard examination by a therapist.
Different stages of venous insufficiency development
Although veins in humans are localized not only in the legs, but throughout the body, varicose veins in the lower legs are more common. Both women and men suffer from this disease, but a larger percentage of the population is beautiful.
There are several stages of varicose veins, which are classified according to their severity.The division is conditional, until the attending physician makes a diagnosis and knows which treatment regimen should be prescribed to the patient for a particular complaint.
Among physicians, there are a number of classifications of varicose vein levels. The international community has identified seven stages of varicose veins, making lines within a narrow framework of symptoms. But in practice, varicose veins are diagnosed in 3 stages of disease reduction:
- The first stage (compensation stage) - the deterioration of blood flow from the feet to the heart is determined by lifestyle or genetically, but the patient has time to restore the venous valve to normal function. Symptoms of varicose veins in the early stages are mild and not taken seriously;
- Second stage (subcompensation) - there are visual signs of venous insufficiency, which is difficult to confuse with other changes. Discomfort in the legs disappears after a long rest or always accompanying someone. At this stage, patients most often ask for help from a doctor. Vascular and venous changes are noticeable, but it is possible to relieve tension and pain from the lower extremities;
- The third stage (decompensation) is the last stage of varicose veins, when the walls of the thin circulatory system begin to rupture from excess blood. Skin tissue is not nourished and it dies. Growing skin ulcers that are difficult to treat. In some cases, at stage 3 varicose veins, the bacteria combine with ulcerative foci. To stabilize the patient's condition requires complex time, effort and therapy.
The level of varicose veins listed is a conditional division. In each group of venous insufficiency, there is a mild, moderate, and severe stage of the disease, determined by the symptoms described by the patient at admission. Based on the fact that the pathology of the veins is individual in each case, the transition line from one level to another is insignificant, especially in cases of 1 and 2 degrees.
Characteristics of pathological early stages
1 degree of varicose veins is diagnosed by a doctor in rare cases, as people do not go to the clinic when short-term or severe edema in the legs appears. Folk remedies help them relieve fatigue, swelling disappears on their own after sleep or change high heels into sandals. 1 degree varicose veins in many people do not go to another stage until old age, if there are no provoking factors.
Changes in the vascular system occur not only in adults, but also in modern adolescents, who lack mobility and prefer computers, phones and other devices rather than active leisure activities.
Only the arms and brain are trained, and the rest of the body does not change position for a long time. Blood circulation becomes slower, especially at the bottom of the skeleton. Crooked knees, shattered muscles, veins and blood vessels in the thighs, back cause stagnation.
Adolescents often complain of leg pain and cramps. In some cases, edema can be seen, especially when overweight. There are no obvious symptoms of stage 1 varicose veins, but the early stages are started and the stage of progress depends only on the attention of the children or their parents to themselves.
Teenage girls choose high-heeled shoes that are uncomfortable to attract attention. The pressure on the veins from the lower part of the leg increases and leads to an early stage of the pathology. Inability to stand and move on high heels damages the foot, increases the load on the spine and leg bones, hip joints. Curvature negatively affects the vessel due to compression.
The early stages of varicose veins in young people are not worrying, as symptoms disappear after rest or a little warm-up. The signs of class 1 varicose veins are as follows:
- Heavy feet even without physical activity;
- Slight swelling in the second half of the day, when the foot is too small to fit into the shoe, or if the edges appear to be digging the skin. Symptoms disappear in the morning if the feet are given rest or procedures are performed to relieve swelling and tension in the muscles - vertical position of the lower limbs, foot baths, massages, changing uncomfortable shoes;
- Short-term seizures in rare cases.
In rare cases, with class 1 varicose veins, external signs of venous pathology appear - a thin vein strip or vascular network, which is under pressure due to a decrease in blood flow.
It is difficult to diagnose the early stages of your own pathology, as the symptoms listed are observed in other diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, kidney problems. For diagnosis and treatment, you must see a doctor at the first sign of discomfort.
Varicose veins are localized not only in the legs, and the early stages can be skipped if there are no changes in the lower part of the legs.
Grade 2 Features
The early stages of venous pathology in the absence of prophylaxis or therapy after some time have passed to the subcompensation stage. Class 1 varicose veins symptoms appear more frequently and last longer.
External changes appear on the skin - swollen veins or a large number of spider veins. At night and even during the day, cramps occur, the patient feels pain and is unable to move his legs. With a hardware check on the lower end vein, changes in valve operation are observed.
The pressure in the vessel increases, but it is difficult to push the blood without closing the valve. A form of blood stagnation, which appears on the skin in the form of blue nodules.
- Symptoms of level 2 venous insufficiency are swelling that does not go away after rest and preventive procedures. Edema occurs because the inability of the blood to rise through the veins, hemodynamics is disrupted. A portion of the blood (plasma) begins to permeate under the skin through the walls of veins and thin thin channels, as its transport function is disrupted;
- Skin color changes due to poor blood circulation and nutrient intake. The epidermal cells acquire a brown color, gradually turning black. Inflammation develops and, as a result, the early stages of ulcerative formation;
- Patients who come to the doctor at stage 2 of this disease experience complaints of severe pain, muscle numbness and itching on the skin. Symptoms are caused by a lack of adequate nutrients for epidermal cells.
The level of subcompensation for varicose veins is not considered hopeless if therapy is diagnosed and prescribed in a timely manner. If there are one or more signs of level 2 varicose veins, one should not treat oneself and listen to a healthy person. Only a doctor will help solve the problem.
Grade 3 Features

People reach the level of 3rd venous insufficiency if they treat themselves carelessly and without respect. The first stage of pathology in rare cases causes discomfort and changes in quality of life, but the level of venous insufficiency level 2 can be unnoticed to ignore a visit to the doctor and undergo rehabilitation.
3 degrees of pathology is the most severe and dangerous, as trophic ulcers form, which do not heal even with drug treatment. At the decompensation stage, the body has exhausted its ability to keep the veins in a functional state.
The walls are stretched and thinned to the limit, there is a risk of breakage in the event of an injury. Another problem of class 3 varicose veins is thrombophlebitis - blockage of the ducts, the formation of blood clots, which can come out and result in death.
Venous insufficiency reaches the final stage in extreme cases. The reasons for these people's attitudes towards themselves are unclear. It feels weird to withstand the pain, feel uncomfortable due to aesthetic criteria and not be able to walk easily. Timely diagnosis of the problem and compliance with the doctor's recommendations will not allow varicose veins to cross 1 stage of the pathology.
After considering in detail the classification of varicose veins in the lower part of the leg, keep in mind that venous insufficiency occurs in other parts of the body and internal organs. Problems like this are harder to spot, but when discomfort in the legs appears, one can also think of disturbances in venous blood flow elsewhere.
How to diagnose pathology
At the first sign of discomfort in the legs, you should contact a medical institution. The diagnosis and treatment of venous insufficiency is done by a phlebologist, but preliminary consultation can be obtained from a therapist.
- Visual examination of the state of the integument in the foot, the presence of orthopedic changes and other signs is carried out;
- Palpation of problem areas not only on the legs, but also on the groin and abdomen;
- Patient complaints are heard;
- Detailed medical history is compiled in the form of survey interviews. The questions are focused on identifying the cause that is the starting point of varicose vein formation;
- References to general blood and urine tests are required to determine the patient's general health condition;
- Tests serve to determine the degree of venous dilatation (Schwarz, Perthes, single test);
- In case of varicose enlargement, hardware examination of vein patency and venous valve condition is performed - duplex ultrasonography (DUS), plethysmography, phlebography, rheovasography.

After performing all the steps to diagnose venous insufficiency and determine the degree of varicose veins, prophylaxis, conservative therapy, treatment with alternative methods and, in extreme cases, surgical intervention, removal of pathology using laser is prescribed.
How to deal with various levels of venous dysfunction
The sooner the signs of varicose veins are observed, the easier and faster the problem will be resolved. The early stages of pathology can be completely eliminated without the use of medication if prevention is started on time:
- Change your rhythm and lifestyle. Often the cause of blood flow disorders in the veins is an inactive lifestyle or standing due to professional activities. It is necessary to increase movement to improve hemodynamics and prevent high pressure in some areas. With excess weight, you should overcome normalization, but gradually;
- Choose comfortable and correct shoes. If there is an orthopedic defect, shoes are chosen taking into account this problem. High heels are only for special occasions;
- Abandon bad habits that cause problems in the vascular system;
- Lose weight if you are overweight and put extra weight on the legs;
- Choose the right exercise to help the blood flow from the legs to the heart.
In the early stages, doctors prescribe venotonics, creams, pills to reduce the load on the venous wall and restore its elasticity. Medical jerseys must be individually tailored to relieve tension in the legs.
When external signs appear that cause aesthetic discomfort, a special composition (sclerotherapy) is introduced into the vein, but this is rare in the early stages.
The second stage of venous insufficiency requires more attention so that the problem does not develop into stage 3. The specificity of eliminating stage 2 pathology is similar to the treatment of varicose veins at an early stage. The drug is prescribed to reduce the risk of blood clots, reduce tissue swelling, and restore blood flow.

Surgical therapy for stage 2 varicose veins is used if there are obvious changes in the skin - convex veins, mesh veins, vascular patterns. In the treatment room, radiofrequency or laser therapy is performed. Also indicated is sclerotherapy, when an external defect disappears in the eye after being inserted into a problematic injection site.
Compression clothing is a must to increase blood flow and reduce pressure on the feet.
How to treat varicose veins class 3, when the condition of the veins and tissues is in a bad condition and the body can not correct the condition? Treatment is only performed surgically to prevent thrombosis, rupture of veins and restore hemodynamics throughout the body.
Usually a phlebectomy procedure is performed - removal of the affected duct. The operation is performed using a surgical instrument (classical method) or laser without a single incision (modern method to treat grade 3 varicose veins).
The course of the disease is complicated by the formation of boils, which do not heal even with drug therapy. Therefore, a surgeon is much needed at this stage. After a successful operation, each medicine, clothing and medical linen is selected.
Varicose veins are not a harmless cosmetic defect in the legs and other parts of the body, but a serious pathology that, in connection with it, will transform a person’s life into a torture and continue to walk in the clinic office.
Early stages of venous insufficiency do exist in most populations, but diagnoses are rare because people are unaware of the possible consequences.
If professional activities involve pictures that do not sit or stand upright on your feet, there are examples of pathology in relatives, you should take preventive measures and exclude the development of disease at an early stage. Leaving the problem unattended, you may not realize how the veins will cause other pathologies.